147 Mb | 120 pages of large pictures
There are many people in this world who have tried to draw or paint a scene at some time or other. Most home and many office walls hold pictures which come from the brush of some member of the family.
Probably more time and effort are put into this "scenery art" than all the other picture arts put together. Many of these scenes could have been vastly improved if the artist had known some basic principles. The purpose of this book is to reveal helps which will assure the artist that whatever he does will have a better chance of being good. This how-to handbook explains and illustrates the step-by-step processes for drawing complete, successful landscapes and seascapes and teaches the fundamentals of good composition as well as the separate picture elements. This guide combines the simplest kind of scenery sketching with the most complex renderings to give every artist, beginner or professional, essential scenery drawing techniques. More than 900 diagrams, pictorial explanations and pictures are provided. Perfect for high-schoolers and older.
part 1
part 2
part 3